Monday, April 19, 2010


People are jerks. Really, we are. If what I write seems to being a survey of what I see around me, know that I can see it so clearly only because it is also reflected in me.
Architecture: Students have become more arrogant than professors. We search for justification in anything.
Francis Nolan taught me a thing or two about justification.
I think a good deal of our perceived need to justify ourselves comes out of our complete lack of faith in forgiveness, both in it's probability and it's power.
There are three noticeable trends that hint at arrogance and over-justification:
  1. Tone of Voice
  2. Avoiding the Question(when it comes from someone who deserves an answer)
  3. Complete Separation of Self from Work Input (when work is lacking in effort)

Oddly enough, I see that the justification that Christ gives contradicts our justifications on two of these levels and fulfills to the extreme our attempt at justification on the other. The justification that Christ gives renders us speechless and forces us to admit our need, but, it also separates us from what we've done and elevates us to Him by what He's done.

This is really raw because it was a draft I wrote in April. It's my outline actually. But I just reread it cause I was intending on finishing it, and I think its fine as is. It's not polished, but if I tried to say any more I would just muddy the water. In short, Christ's justification is infinitely better than our attempts. It even covers the sin that is inherent in our own efforts to justify ourselves by these methods.

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